Holidays Lobster

Lobster the food of Romantics for Valentine’s Day

Lobster food of romantics on valentines day

Lobster Food of Romantics on Valentine’s Day

A recent Harris Poll of 1,000 adults asked the question, “Is lobster the food of Romantics on Valentine’s Day?”  More than 42 percent answered with a resounding “Yes.”

For a long as people can remember, it has always been a tradition that many people  consider lobster the most romantic of all meals.  Lobster is often the dish of choice for celebrations and holidays and now we know it extends to romance.

Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022

A spokesman was quoted by the study explaining that  “Lobster is the perfect dish for a Romantic, or Special Occasion dinner out. It is an exotic delicacy that results in an intimate moment between loved ones because Lobster is hand-held and shareable. Shellfish, especially lobster, is a catalyst for connection like no other food.”


Valentines Day Lobster Dinner

Oysters are traditional delicacies that are also served as part of a  romantic Valentine’s Day meal.  Oysters are known to be aphrodisiacs in many cultures. A good reason  why these delicate shellfish are the perfect choice for Valentines Day dinners. Raw oysters on the half shell with  makes the perfect appetizer.

Serve Lobster for Valentines Day

Lobsters this year can be ordered online and are available for delivery anywhere in the united states on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022.

© Wayne Howe 2020


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    February 10, 2012 at 8:36 am

    Valentine’s Day is also our anniversary, so we use to celebrate every year by going out for a lobster dinner. Now we have them delivered and find its much more fun.

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